Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Approach Of Collaborative Association †

Question: Discuss about the Approach Of Collaborative Association. Answer: The approach of collaborative association with any stakeholder can be understand as working together in a group for the attainment of shared objectives comprising of respectful association with one another and sharing of voices and ideas (Jones Diaz, 2016). At the time of my visit to field, I ensure to have effective collaboration with the staff of playgroup by the means of taking note of their respective opinions regarding the project Transition to school as it helped me to comprehend the key challenges faced by them at the time of having communications with their families that respond in some other language. I had also shared some of the resources that can support the project such as multilingual booklets for encouraging the support and voice of the children as well as the families. The staff was contended with recommendations offered by me and to develop a good project they demonstrated the significance of diversity. It was recommended by Jones Diaz (2016) that the process of comm unication and collaboration is two-way that exists between the service stakeholders and the educators for attaining an effective outcome which can benefit the societies and the community members as well. Currently I am working upon the finalising of my certain multilingual booklets so that the families can take use of it for transition and I also had a plan to communicate with the multilingual staff for verifying the correct translation of the adequate info given in the booklet. By this strategy, there is a chance offered to me to have an understanding of the ethical interactions with several families which are from diverse backgrounds and the significance of comprehending the cultural sensitivity as it is important for an efficient communication and collaboration (Congress Gonzalez, 2012).

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